Wednesday, October 5, 2011


hello3...dh bca tjuk dkt ats tu? haa..hari ni ak nk ckp psal virus..ini applikasi dai apa yg ak blaja lm sc comp..korg tau x virus adlh sejenis software yg memeningkn komputer kite..virus ni dia ley dtg melalui byk yg dye letak kt link, cntohnye link lagu..kite xtw mende 2 virus, and then ble kte klik kt c2, automatik dia pn msuk la dlm kmputer kte..ble dia da menetap dlm 2, alamatnyer sume folder2 kte virus ni akn kacau...virus2 ni ad nme gk, msti korg xtau kn?? p ak pn bru tau gk..hehe..SOBIG, NIMDA, la antra nme2 virus tu...comel kn nme dye..sbenarnye ad bnyk ag nme, p ak lupe..hihi.

bla korg dah tau tentang si virus ni, msti korang nk thu gak pasal cara2 nk prevent or delete benda ni, benda ni dipanggil antivirus program.
tp ak tau, korg dah familiar dgn benda ni.. software ni utk prevent komputer kte dai kne virus. contoh software ni, Avira Antivirus and Kaspersky Antivirus.

Trojan Horse:

A trojan horse program has the appearance of having a useful and desired function. While it may advertise its activity after launching, this information is not apparent to the user beforehand. Secretly the program performs other, undesired functions. A Trojan Horse neither replicates nor copies itself, but causes damage or compromises the security of the computer. A Trojan Horse must be sent by someone or carried by another program and may arrive in the form of a joke program or software of some sort. The malicious functionality of a Trojan Horse may be anything undesirable for a computer user, including data destruction or compromising a system by providing a means for another computer to gain access, thus bypassing normal access controls.


A worm is a program that makes and facilitates the distribution of copies of itself; for example, from one disk drive to another, or by copying itself using email or another transport mechanism. The worm may do damage and compromise the security of the computer. It may arrive via exploitation of a system vulnerability or by clicking on an infected e-mail.


What They Infect

Viruses can infect a number of different portions of the computer's operating and file system. These include:


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

what i have learn...???

after 15 week learning computer science, I feel that this subject was first, I think computer science is nothing..but now, it was change. From this subject, I know about hackers, how to protect from virus and so on..
ok x ayat ak??hahaha..aku ni bukan reti sgt speaking2 ni..k, aku nk story kat korg sume psal sains komputer jer sebenarnyer..ak ni bleh dikategorikn sbgai seorang yg agak buta IT, maybe nie la slah satu sbb kenapa ak ambik subject ni..
byk benda yg ak dpt taw..skrg ak dh taw cmne nak edit2 gambar..pastu, ak jgak dpt blaja cmner nk wt presentation yg cntik, nk buat slide show gune open office Impress..pastu blog nie pn ak blaja dai sini gk..huhu..
pe lg ak nk ckp ek...??mcm dh x tau je nk story pe, smpai cnie je la ak pnyer cter..ak da byk ag keje nie, k daaa